We've all had it happen before. You fall asleep drooling in class, resting your head on your hands. Or you use your hand to lean on as you browse websites on the computer. Once you move out of your position, all you feel is an unsettling, nervous numbness and tingling. Rather than freak out, check out this video to learn what you can do to relieve this numbness.
Testicular cancer is a young man's disease, and yet this is the age group that has the greatest sense of invincibility from the illness. Dr Harper demonstrates the technique you can use to self-examine your balls, and as it's best carried out in the shower, it's a great excuse for taking a bit longer in the morning. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to check testicles for any lumps or possible cancer.
Going to be a nurse? Then one of the procedures you are sure to encounter in the hospital is the removal of an arterial line. Follow along in this nursing how-to video to learn how to remove the arterial line from a patient. Remove of you a line is also known as discontinuing the line. In shorter terms many nurses also say DC the line. Follow along and learn the standard protocol for removing arterial lines.
One important part of nursing is knowing how to use and set up a Baxter IV infusion pump. Follow along with this Baxter setup demonstration to learn how to carry out this procedure with a real patient. Keep watching and learn how to do a piggyback IV setup also. Watch, learn, and practice setting up Baxter IV infusion pumps during the nursing lab. Note that the Baxter infusion pump doesn't have a cassette to prime.
Static electrical shock your worst nightmare? The clothes you choose, the shoes you wear, and even the things you touch might encourage this natural phenomenon. If static shock is ruining your day, then take some action.
The lion's breath exercise can be used to get rid of sore throats. To perform this, get into a comfortable position. Inhale deeply. When you exhale, stick out your tongue, as far as it will go. Exhale, releasing all of the air from your lungs. Take in another cleansing breath, and repeat. This time, when you exhale, in addition to sticking out your tongue, you will need to roll your eyes back in your head. Try to make your eyes roll all the way back but slightly inward. Try to imagine that you...
From poison oak to allergies, irritants can cause an irritated area that can itch for hours. Itching is annoying and distracting, but you don't have to go to the store to find relief. You can make a topical cream to alleviate itching with things you have at home.
The Dukan Diet is the latest diet fad to sweep America, after dominating France for years already. It's been called the French Atkins diet, and is in fact a high-protein weight-loss solution, but sounds considerably healthier than Atkins ever did. This video will explain the Dukan Diet to you and how you can get on it.
I've never had a black eye, but I was in a car accident that turned my entire ear dark purple a few years ago. Believe me; it was enough to get more than a few funny looks.
When a migraine strikes, it can be crippling. Intense and sharp pain not only at the temples, but radiating throughout the entire head; feelings of nausea and digestive discontent; an unbearable aversion to light, sound, and even the smallest of movements.
Your entire life has been a lie. Mario does not hit blocks with his head, footlong subs are never really 12 inches long, and those paper ketchup cups at fast food joints aren't just little cups. And that's not the worst of it. What I'm about to tell you next is the revelation of all revelations.
Summer is the best friend of poison ivy, oak, and sumac. When the weather is hot outside, people spend more time in the great outdoors, which means more people accidentally running face first into some poisonous shrubs, leaves, and vines. If that sounds like you, instead of suffering through the itch or spending money on expensive pharmaceutical solutions, try some of these home remedies out.
Fourth of July is, at its core, a foodie holiday. When you get together with friends and family to celebrate the occasion, it's almost impossible to avoid stuffing your face with grilled meats, excessive BBQ sauce, coleslaw, hot dogs, french fries, and more.
While there are countless ways to welcome in the new year, many of them involve imbibing copious amounts of delightfully spirited libations. If you're anything like me, I know you're fearing the monster hangover on New Year's Day.
Tanya Marinovic from Mr Vitamins is showing you how to make healthy herbal tea recipe for winter. The best winter wellness tea recipe to make you healthy, prevent you from the flu in the winter cold days.
Tanya Marinovic - the Naturopath at Mr Vitamins is showing you how to make healthy kids lunch boxes and providing you the best healthy school lunch box ideas.
Pam Stone, the Blackmores Education Director is telling how eye friendly foods help to protect and preserve your eyes and which eye foods are the best.
Omega-3 fatty acids like DHA, EPA and ALA are excellent for the nervous system. B9 and B12 another great vitamins for the nervous system and B12 is really a building block of red blood cells.
In this video our author, Candy Cumming with Sharp Healthcare describes how to add fiber into our diet. Fiber is really good for us because is is high in water content and low in calories, which lets us eat much of it before we are full. It also is really good for our regularity in our digestive tract.
Dr. Keith Eddleman explains in this video tutorial on how a woman can really tell when she is going into labor. Sometimes, it's hard for a first-time mom to naturally know when she's going into the process.
Becoming an anesthesiologist can be a tough and difficult task. They are required to take care of patients and provide pain relief when needed. During surgery, these people are given the responsibility to monitor certain functions to ensure the safety of the patient. So in this tutorial, find out what it takes to become an anesthesiologist easily. Enjoy!
Shin splints are one of the most common, stubborn, and misunderstood injuries affecting athletes of every age, gender, and sport. This video features a doctor explaining what exactly a shin splint is as well as how to prevent, diagnose, and treat them properly. It turns out that shin splints are actually menial tibial stress syndrome, or MTSS. Try saying that five times fast.
More and more, young athletes are developing staph infections. It's a serious topic and every coach or parent should know the basics of staph infections and preventative methods to make sure young athletes stay safe and healthy. Staph infection is MRSA — Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It's a staph bacteria that, overtime, has developed resistance to antibiotics like penicillins (methicillin, dicloxacillin, nafcillin, oxacillin) and cephalosporins. Learn more about staph infections...
Learning what foods are best for athletes can be difficult, especially when you're dealing with young athletes. There diet is entirely different than a older player's nutrition needs. As a parent, you need to know what's bet for you child when game day is approaching, and for a coach, you might be responsible for that child's diet when playing a game away from home, so it's your responsibility to know their nutritional needs as well. Watch this video to learn the proper nutritional content of...
Pre-game eating… what's best for young sports players? For early morning games, the goal is to provide enough food for the child to prevent him/her from getting hungry and distracted, and to something that will give the child enough energy to make it through the game. It could be as simple as a glass of chocolate milk or a piece of toast with orange juice. Watch and learn the rest of the pre-game meal plan tips for child sports players.
Kids love sports drinks, but are they healthy for them? This video answers that question, and dissects all of the information pertaining to the diet, nutrition and metabolism of a child playing sports. Healthy eating is important for any sports player, but there are some special considerations for young children. Variety is important, but you need about 40 different nutrients to keep the kid playing well. And believe it or not, chocolate milk is actually one of the best recovery foods.
A crick is a sudden, spasmodic pain and stiffness in the neck caused by tight muscles that can absolutely ruin your entire day. It can last for more than one day and can be triggered by the smallest movement of the neck, such as a simple pandiculation, aka a yawn-stretch. Although you can't always prevent them, there are many natural ways to lessen a painful stiff feeling in the neck.
Hey there I'm Lyfe Riley and I am here to show you how to make a really simple super food shake thats not only good for you, but can taste great!. Drinking this everyday will give you more energy, increase your metabolism, remove toxins from the body, and boost your immune system. Chances are you have most of these products in your kitchen now! Check it out! Let me know what you think. If your would like to see more videos on nutrition hit the subscribe button!! I really Hope this Helps.
Studying to be a nurse? Then here is a nursing how-to video that teaches you how to remove a femoral arterial/venous sheath. Every nurse should know the basics of this technique, follow along and see how easy it is to remove the arterial sheath from the femoral artery. These medical tips are sure to help you pass your nursing exam with flying colors.
Check out this tutorial for advice on how to make a long-lasting, reusable ice pack that will not leak for cheap. These ice packs conform to any shape you need, stay cold for a long time, won't burn your skin and won't leak! To top it all off, they cost less than a dollar each! So, keep one of these in your freezer in case of emergency and you're good to go. Toss those pricey, leaky blue packs and opt for this homemade version.
Basically, this article is a true life experience writing from the introspective mind of the writer and do share more knowledge on how to deal with introvert lifestyle.
Hair fall has become common problem these days due to several factors such as dandruff, environmental pollution, lack of appropriate nutrition, hair styling tools etc. so, people are hunting for home remedies that controls hair fall quickly. In this video, we have shown how to make hair oil using natural ingredients that stops hair fall and enhances hair growth while controlling dandruff. This hair oil is perfect for hair loss treatment. People who have hair loss can try this oil to control...
Sometimes, the simplest of sceneries can offer some remarkable insights. In this case, it reminds me of the two different environments on earth: above and below water. Seeing cars drive by like if they were underwater really makes me realize how lucky we are, and often get caught up in it to the point we lose focus.
Enjoy this relaxing video and use it as a path to meditation. Forget your problems for 3 minutes and let you mind wander in the clouds. The digital enhancements applied to some of the skyscape scenes will allow you to see all kinds on shapes as your mind is let free to interpret.
There has been a huge shift over recent years to alternative medicine as people get disillusioned with conventional medicine to overcome anxiety. Natural and herbal supplements are becoming popular as people re-engage with nature. The list of potential side effects from drugs and the rebound effects from withdrawing often make the thought of taking medication unpleasant. Often the promise of how effective the medication can be is exaggerated or it simply does not have the effect it should...
Many people deal with motion sickness on a daily basis, and if you're reading this, chances are you're one of them. Kinetosis can make your stomach roll, your entire body sweat, and make you feel fatigued and dizzy at even the slightest movement, whether it's related to carsickness, seasickness, or airsickness. And let's not forget the worst part—vomiting.
Stop that horrible sensation with a form of traditional Chinese medicine known as acupressure. Watch this video to learn how to relieve nausea with acupressure.
Nothing ruins a vacation faster than motion sickness. Learn prevention tips and home remedies to treat motion sickness from Pharmacologist Joe Graedon in this how-to video. Use antihistamines, an acupuncture bracelet, or ginger to treat any type of motion sickness you may encounter.
With these tips will not cost you change the way you work to prepare healthy food. Plus, enjoy the time you occupy to cook, remember that a new study found that people who cook up to five times a week were 47% more likely to live another 10 years.
The world of fitness has grown by leaps and bounds as healthy living habits increase in popularity and span everything from vitamins and protein shakes to gym memberships and sunrise yoga classes. Everyone is learning how important it is to stay in shape to have a better quality of life. This means, that gyms are more popular than ever before, bringing in more memberships and a new set of issues for gym goers: more obnoxious people.
It's a rare person who enjoys swallowing pills—and equally rare to find those who can toss a pill back easily and effortlessly without gulps of water and coughs. The transition from liquid medicine to pills, tablets, and capsules can be a rough one, and some of us still struggle well into our adult lives. Yet the reason your pills are getting caught in your throat may not be the medication's fault—it's all in how you swallow.
No matter how fresh, sharp, or clean a razor is, it can still create an itchy, inflamed trail of razor burn bumps. When razor burn appears, it's unpleasant, and can even affect your next shave.
Incredibly tiny in size, splinters can be frustratingly difficult to remove from your skin. If large and not completely embedded, a splinter can usually be extracted using tweezers, tape, or glue, but if it's small and in there pretty good, you'll have to get more creative.
The only thing worse than being bitten by a snake is not knowing what to do. This how-to tells you if you are in danger of dieing. There are some seriously good tips on what to do if bitten by a snake.
Challenges are never meant to deter us but to make us stronger, wiser, and more knowledgeable. Each difficult moment we overcome makes us tougher than before. "Life is not a bed of roses". We live in a changing world. There will certainly be good times and rough times. Problems are challenges that needs to be solved. Agitation during challenges leads one to missing vital details of how to solve the problem. Be cool, calm and collected, no panicking when solving any problem. In difficult times...
There are many, many home remedies out there for relieving itchy mosquito bites. Everything from mud to banana peels and basil leaves to Alka-Seltzer tablets can help curb the itch. But before you even have to resort to any of those methods, you should be thinking about prevention.